How does a Key Copy Machine work?
Plenty of people come into the shop every year looking to have their keys duplicated. While there is always an element of fascination to the machine, nobody ever asks about how the key copy machine works. So, today at LockTechs, we are going to tell you just how this beautiful machine operates.
Fundamentals of Key Copy

The Alignment – The first thing you’re going to do is set up your blank and original on the alignment. By using complementing vices, we are able to lock the keys up in perfect synchronicity. The key that is housed will be the one that is cut and the original will be shown in the front. The alignment has two elements that are equidistant apart, the guide and the cutting wheel. These rest on the same track as the alignment so that both keys are never moved during operation.
The Wheel and Guide – The two parts of the machine that actually to the work. Everything else so far has just been about safety and organization. The alignment keeps the two keys in perfect distance from each other and the wheel and guide. While the guide follows along the grooves of the original key, the cutting wheel (being the same distance apart) mimics the exact movements on the duplicate key. Thus, the cutting wheel grinds into the duplicate key, the exact same pattern as is guided from the original.

The Buffing – After the key has been cut, most of the work has been done. However, this is the moment where the locksmith would add a little bit of polish. They will buff the sharp edges with brass wool or harsh wire, then maybe run it through a cleaner so it shines nicely.
So there you have it, the elements that go into every key copy. This is the work we do every day, so we hope you enjoy! If you ever need a locksmith in San Diego, give us a call at (888) 664-4073!
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