San Diego Locksmith
Losing your car keys is an awful feeling, locking yourself out of your vehicle is even worse. Even though we love it when you do, Lock Tech Car Locksmith is always looking out for the customer. So here are a few tips that can help make sure that you never lose your car keys ever again.
Tips to Never Lose Your Keys Again
1) Car Key Duplication – The easiest way to never lose your keys again is to have backups of your keys. This at least acknowledges the fact the possibility that we are human and make mistakes. We always advise owning three keys. One would be your everyday grab and go key. The second you would leave with someone you trust who has the mobility to be there if you need it.
The third would go somewhere secret but attainable. I’m not saying you should make sure that you have three or four garden gnomes take your car for a joyride, but find a secure location outside of your home that you can easily find the key and no one else can.

2) Bluetooth Tracker Alarm – There are devices that you can purchase that are nondescript trinkets for your keychain. They are tethered to your phone (so don’t lose your phone), and you can activate the tracking signal and find your keys due to a tracking beep. If you lose your keys outside of your car, this will give you the opportunity to find your keys easily and calmly. Plus, it’s a rather attractive piece of hardware.
Car Locksmith in San Diego
I wish we had more advice for you, but there aren’t a lot of alternatives to remembering your keys. We hope that these work for you because there is such a strain when forgetting your keys.
Luckily, if you ever need a locksmith in San Diego, look no further than us. Our emergency number is (888) 664-4073, and we can have somebody to your location within the hour. For our other services, such as car key duplication and replacement, make sure to call our number and receive a quote on our services.